Margo Penardi

Margo Penardi is a new member of the Big Bear Valley Education Trust Board.  She is a native Californian who has lived in Big Bear Lake full time since 1988.  She and her husband raised their two daughters here, where they attended Bear Valley Unified schools from Kindergarten through High School.   Margo has a BS degree in Speech Pathology/Audiology from Northern Arizona University and received an MA from Redlands University in Communication Disorders many years later.  Margo is a retired educator with 29 years of experience as a Speech Language Pathologist in the Bear Valley Unified School District. In that role, she worked primarily with students from preschool age to upper elementary school age with a variety of communication disorders.  She has been a member of the Board of Directors of DOVES (Domestic Violence Education and Services) here in the Big Bear Valley for the past 18 years, serving one year as Chairman of the Board.  She is also a member of the Board of Trustees for the Bear Valley Center for Spiritual Enrichment, currently serving as Secretary. Margo enjoys being involved in performing arts – both onstage and off, reading, baking, and now that she is retired, is looking forward to doing more traveling and spending a lot more time with her children and two grandchildren. Margo is excited to be a part of the Big Bear Valley Education Trust and to help further the mission and vision of the organization.

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